Even though it is still very hot here in Las Vegas, summer is almost over

It has been a great summer musically and I would like to send a special Thank You to the Owners, Management and Staff at The Onyx Restaurant, Elements Kitchen & Martini Bar, Casa Di Amore Restaurant and La Scala Restaurant (Oh, and thanks to my supportive, dear and talented friend, singer Larry Liso for the introduction). Thank you all for being so nice to me. It was a pleasure to sing for you and your Guests! Another highlight for me this summer was a Guest Performance I did in the afternoon show, HIT PARADE, at the Suncoast Casino, Thurs. Aug.25th. Wow! A fast moving and entertaining variety show. It was so much fun I didn’t want it to end!
Lynn Ross Suncoast Hit Parade

Seriously, you remember the song from My Fair Lady … I Could Have Danced All Night … well, that’s how I felt. I Could Have Sang … and Danced all Day! Ed Mathews, a very friendly and gracious man who really knows his stuff, is the Producer. Ned Mills, star of the show Leonardo, is the Musical Director and the two Hosts of the Hit Parade the day I performed, were none other than the fabulous and very popular singer, Ronnie Rose, and long time Las Vegas Entertainer and local TV Personality, Tony Sacca.

My duet with Ronnie Rose is a memory that I will cherish, and will linger with me for quite a while as I simply love to sing with other people who have great voices. I suspect it is the same for musicians with their instruments. HIT PARADE The Show. What a blast! Check it out everyone.